Fitness is FUN!
Fitness enthusiast came together and wanted a place where people could work out and exercise while having fun and build friendship. In the process, what we dislike will not be here and only essentials of a good club will be provided in order to provide the best value for money for members. Hence, BusyBody Fitness Centre is born.
We hope you will be FIT, keep FIT, restore your Faith in health while having FUN here with your extended Family. Our trainers are certified and with state of the art equipment as well as well-thought of classes, BusyBody Fitness Centre is casual and relaxed place to start your new journey on Fitness. We look forward to the new you and ensure you…FITNESS is FUN!
每位健身的愛好者希望在一達地方做運動之餘也能從過程中尋找樂趣,認識更多的朋友。BusyBody Fitness Centre在過程中篩選了大家不喜歡的元素,反之我們提供更好及更有價值的設施服務給會員享用。
希望每位會員能透過健身運動重拾健康的信念,在BusyBody Fitness Centre的大家庭感受到更多的樂趣。 同時我們擁有豐富經驗及專業資格的教練團隊,完善的健身器材及悉心計劃的課程,好讓你們在健身室當中得以享受,為健身定下新的旅程。